Saturday 28 May 2011

UPCOMING - Embarressing Bodies.

So I've been thinking for a while about what kind of series I can do on my blog. I didn't want it to just be a pointless thing so I deicded on an 'Embarressing Bodies' series.

It's quite simple, every Sunday I will do a whole post on different issues that women/teenage girls deal with in daily life.

I hope that this series goes down well and it helps people cope and get over their problems.

I have quite a few ideas of problems for the series but if you have any of your own personal problems you can either leave a comment below or if you feel to concious you can email me at . And of course, I can assure you that when I do a post about your problem then I won't mention any names unless you want me too.

Thank you girlies, and love you as much as always ♥

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